Uses of Class

Packages that use RpcResponseContext
com.flat502.rox.client Client-side API and supporting classes. 
com.flat502.rox.demo Examples illustrating using this project. 

Uses of RpcResponseContext in com.flat502.rox.client

Methods in com.flat502.rox.client that return RpcResponseContext
protected  RpcResponseContext HttpRpcClient.newRpcResponseContext( socket, HttpResponseBuffer rsp)

Methods in com.flat502.rox.client with parameters of type RpcResponseContext
 void AsynchronousResponseHandler.handleException(RpcCall call, java.lang.Throwable e, RpcResponseContext context)
          This method is called for both local and remote exceptions.
 void AsynchronousResponseHandler.handleResponse(RpcCall call, RpcResponse rsp, RpcResponseContext context)
          This method is called when a successful response is received from the server.

Uses of RpcResponseContext in com.flat502.rox.demo

Methods in com.flat502.rox.demo with parameters of type RpcResponseContext
 void AsyncClientDemo.handleException(RpcCall call, java.lang.Throwable e, RpcResponseContext context)
 void AsyncClientDemo.handleResponse(RpcCall call, RpcResponse response, RpcResponseContext context)