Package com.flat502.rox.http

Utility classes for packing and unpacking HTTP messages.


Interface Summary
HttpConstants This interface (and inner-interfaces) collect together various HTTP related constants.
HttpConstants.ContentEncoding Content codings as defined in section 3.5 of RFC 2616.
HttpConstants.Headers A subset of the header fields as defined in section 14 of RFC 2616.
HttpConstants.Methods A subset of the methods defined in section 5.1.1 of RFC 2616.
HttpConstants.StatusCodes Status codes as defined in section 6.1.1 of RFC 2616.

Class Summary
HttpMessage This class represents an abstract HTTP message and provides support for various aspects of an HTTP message common to both requests and responses.
HttpMessageBuffer Abstract base class for a buffer built up from one or more network messages, and containing an HTTP message.
HttpRequest This class represents an HTTP request and supports streaming that request out to an indicated stream.
HttpRequestBuffer This class represents a buffer built up from one or more network messages, and containing an HTTP request.
HttpResponse This class represents an HTTP response and supports streaming that request out to an indicated stream.
HttpResponseBuffer This class represents a buffer built up from one or more network messages, and containing an HTTP response.
MethodCallURI A simple wrapper for URI for decomposing a URI into the components we expect when mapping a GET request onto an XML-RPC method call handler.

Exception Summary
ExcessiveContentException Raised when the length of the content received exceeds the length indicated by the Content-Length header.
HttpBufferException Indicates a problem during unpacking and validating of an HttpMessageBuffer instance.
InvalidHeaderException Indicates an HTTP header value is invalid.
MethodNotAllowedException Indicates an HTTP method is not supported.
MissingHeaderException Indicates a missing HTTP header.
ProcessingException Encapsulates a general processing exception.
UnsupportedHeaderException Indicates an HTTP header was received that is not supported.

Package com.flat502.rox.http Description

Utility classes for packing and unpacking HTTP messages.

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