Class HttpRpcServer

  extended by com.flat502.rox.processing.HttpRpcProcessor
      extended by com.flat502.rox.server.HttpRpcServer
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class HttpRpcServer
extends HttpRpcProcessor

This is the server-side RPC interface.

This class supports both synchronous and asynchronous handling of method calls. An instance is backed by at least two threads: a selecting thread and a worker thread. Both threads are daemon threads.

The selecting thread handles all low-level network I/O. As soon as this thread identifies a complete HTTP request the request is passed to the worker thread (or threads).

The number of worker threads may be adjusted dynamically using the inherited HttpRpcProcessor.addWorker() and HttpRpcProcessor.removeWorker() methods. Worker threads are responsible for notification of registered RequestHandlers.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.flat502.rox.processing.HttpRpcProcessor
Constructor Summary
HttpRpcServer( hostAddress, int port, boolean useHttps, ServerResourcePool workerPool)
          Initialize a new HTTP RPC server.
HttpRpcServer( hostAddress, int port, boolean useHttps, ServerResourcePool workerPool, SSLConfiguration sslCfg)
Method Summary
protected  void accept(java.nio.channels.SelectionKey key)
          Called when a new connection is pending on the underlying ServerSocketChannel.
protected  void deregisterResponseCoordinator(com.flat502.rox.server.ResponseCoordinator coordinator)
protected  void deregisterSocket( socket)
protected  HttpMessageBuffer getReadBuffer( socket)
          Called when data is available on a socket.
protected  java.lang.String getServerName()
protected  java.nio.ByteBuffer getWriteBuffer( socket)
          Called when a socket becomes available for writing.
protected  void handleMessageException(HttpMessageBuffer msg, java.lang.Exception e)
          Converts an exception raised while processing an HTTP request into a suitable HTTP response.
protected  void handleProcessingException( socket, java.lang.Exception e)
          An error handler invoked when an error occurs within the main processing loop.
protected  void handleSelectionKeyOperation(java.nio.channels.SelectionKey key)
          This implementation defers to the accept(SelectionKey) method if a connection is pending.
protected  void handleSSLHandshakeFinished( socket, engine)
protected  void handleTimeout( socket, java.lang.Exception cause)
protected  void initSelector(java.nio.channels.Selector selector)
          Creates and initializes a ServerSocketChannel for accepting connections on.
protected initSocketSSLEngine( socket)
protected  boolean isWriteQueued( socket)
          Called to find out if data is queued to be written to a socket.
protected  HttpResponse newHttpResponse(HttpMessageBuffer msg, HttpResponseException e)
protected  HttpResponse newHttpResponse(HttpMessageBuffer origMsg, int statusCode, java.lang.String reasonPhrase, Encoding encoding)
protected  RpcCallContext newRpcCallContext( socket, HttpRequestBuffer req)
protected  ResourcePool newWorkerPool()
          Factory method for new worker pools.
protected  void putWriteBuffer( socket, java.nio.ByteBuffer data)
          Called when data is available to be written to a socket.
protected  void read(java.nio.channels.SelectionKey key)
          Reads any pending data from the socket indicated by the given SelectionKey.
 void registerAcceptPolicy(AcceptPolicy policy)
 void registerContentEncoding(Encoding encoding)
 RequestHandler registerHandler(java.lang.String uriPath, java.lang.String method, AsynchronousRequestHandler handler)
          Register an asynchronous XML-RPC method call handler.
 RequestHandler registerHandler(java.lang.String uriPath, java.lang.String method, AsynchronousRequestHandler handler, MethodCallUnmarshallerAid aid)
          Register an asynchronous XML-RPC method call handler.
 RequestHandler registerHandler(java.lang.String uriPath, java.lang.String method, AsyncRequestHandler handler)
          Deprecated. Use registerHandler(String, String, AsynchronousRequestHandler) instead.
 RequestHandler registerHandler(java.lang.String uriPath, java.lang.String method, AsyncRequestHandler handler, MethodCallUnmarshallerAid aid)
          Deprecated. Use registerHandler(String, String, AsynchronousRequestHandler, MethodCallUnmarshallerAid) instead.
 RequestHandler registerHandler(java.lang.String uriPath, java.lang.String method, SynchronousRequestHandler handler)
          Register a synchronous XML-RPC method call handler.
 RequestHandler registerHandler(java.lang.String uriPath, java.lang.String method, SynchronousRequestHandler handler, MethodCallUnmarshallerAid aid)
          Register a synchronous XML-RPC method call handler.
 RequestHandler registerHandler(java.lang.String uriPath, java.lang.String method, SyncRequestHandler handler)
          Deprecated. Use registerHandler(String, String, SynchronousRequestHandler) instead.
 RequestHandler registerHandler(java.lang.String uriPath, java.lang.String method, SyncRequestHandler handler, MethodCallUnmarshallerAid aid)
          Deprecated. Use registerHandler(String, String, SynchronousRequestHandler, MethodCallUnmarshallerAid) instead.
 HttpRequestUnmarshaller registerRequestUnmarshaller(java.lang.String httpMethod, HttpRequestUnmarshaller unmarshaller)
          Register an HttpRequestUnmarshaller instance for a given HTTP method.
protected  void removeReadBuffer( socket)
          Called when a complete HTTP message has been identified.
protected  void removeReadBuffers( socket)
          Called when a a socket is deregistered and any buffers associated with it should be released.
protected  void removeWriteBuffer( socket)
          Called when a all of the data in a pending write buffer has been written to a socket.
protected  void removeWriteBuffers( socket)
          Called when a a socket is deregistered and any buffers associated with it should be released.
protected  Encoding selectResponseEncoding(HttpRequestBuffer request)
 void setEncodeResponses(boolean encode)
 void setIdleClientTimeout(int timeout)
protected  void stopImpl()
protected  HttpResponse toHttpResponse(HttpMessageBuffer origMsg, RpcResponse methodRsp, Encoding encoding)
          Constructs a new HttpResponse containing the given XML-RPC method response.
protected  void write(java.nio.channels.SelectionKey key)
          Writes any pending data to the socket indicated by the given SelectionKey.
Methods inherited from class com.flat502.rox.processing.HttpRpcProcessor
addWorker, addWorkers, deregisterChannel, getQueue, getSocketSelector, getSSLConfiguration, getSSLSession, getTimer, getWorkerCount, initialize, isSharedWorkerPool, isStarted, newSSLSession, queueCancellation, queueRead, queueRegistration, queueWrite, queueWrite, registerChannel, registerProfiler, registerSocket, registerSSLSessionPolicy, removeWorker, setCipherSuitePattern, setSSLHandshakeTimeout, shouldUseHTTPS, start, stop
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public HttpRpcServer( hostAddress,
                     int port,
                     boolean useHttps,
                     ServerResourcePool workerPool)
Initialize a new HTTP RPC server.

The server will not attempt to bind to a local port or being accepting connections (and by implication processing requests) until Thread.start() is invoked on this instance.

hostAddress - An InetAddress this instance should bind to when listening for connections. null is interpreted as "listen on all interfaces".
port -
useHttps -
workerPool -


public HttpRpcServer( hostAddress,
                     int port,
                     boolean useHttps,
                     ServerResourcePool workerPool,
                     SSLConfiguration sslCfg)
Method Detail


public void registerAcceptPolicy(AcceptPolicy policy)


public void registerContentEncoding(Encoding encoding)


public void setEncodeResponses(boolean encode)


public void setIdleClientTimeout(int timeout)


public HttpRequestUnmarshaller registerRequestUnmarshaller(java.lang.String httpMethod,
                                                           HttpRequestUnmarshaller unmarshaller)
Register an HttpRequestUnmarshaller instance for a given HTTP method.

If a prior unmarshaller instance exists for the named HTTP method the unmarshaller instance is replaced and the previously registered instance is returned.

httpMethod - The HTTP method to register the unmarshaller to handle. Custom HTTP methods may be used. No validation is performed on this value, it is only used as a mapping key.
unmarshaller - The HttpRequestUnmarshaller instance to register for the given HTTP method. This may be null which effectively deregisters any existing handler for the given HTTP method.
The HttpRequestUnmarshaller instance previously registered to handle the given HTTP method, or null if no prior instance was registered.
See Also:
CgiRequestUnmarshaller, XmlRpcRequestUnmarshaller, HttpConstants.Methods


public RequestHandler registerHandler(java.lang.String uriPath,
                                      java.lang.String method,
                                      AsyncRequestHandler handler)
Deprecated. Use registerHandler(String, String, AsynchronousRequestHandler) instead.

Register an asynchronous XML-RPC method call handler.

uriPath - URIs for which this handler is responsible. null indicates all URIs.
method - A regular expression (see Pattern) to match method names on. Matching is performed as for the Matcher.find() method.
handler - The handler to call back when a request is received matching the indicated URI and method name pattern.
If a previously registered request handler existed and this handler replaced it (i.e. their URI and method regular expression were identical)
See Also:
registerHandler(String, String, SyncRequestHandler, MethodCallUnmarshallerAid)


public RequestHandler registerHandler(java.lang.String uriPath,
                                      java.lang.String method,
                                      AsynchronousRequestHandler handler)
Register an asynchronous XML-RPC method call handler.

uriPath - URIs for which this handler is responsible. null indicates all URIs.
method - A regular expression (see Pattern) to match method names on. Matching is performed as for the Matcher.find() method.
handler - The handler to call back when a request is received matching the indicated URI and method name pattern.
If a previously registered request handler existed and this handler replaced it (i.e. their URI and method regular expression were identical)
See Also:
registerHandler(String, String, SyncRequestHandler, MethodCallUnmarshallerAid)


public RequestHandler registerHandler(java.lang.String uriPath,
                                      java.lang.String method,
                                      AsyncRequestHandler handler,
                                      MethodCallUnmarshallerAid aid)
Deprecated. Use registerHandler(String, String, AsynchronousRequestHandler, MethodCallUnmarshallerAid) instead.

Register an asynchronous XML-RPC method call handler.

uriPath - URIs for which this handler is responsible. null indicates all URIs.
method - A regular expression (see Pattern) to match method names on. Matching is performed as for the Matcher.find() method.
handler - The handler to call back when a request is received matching the indicated URI and method name pattern.
aid - A mapper to be used during the unmarshalling of parameters of incoming method calls. May be null.
If a previously registered request handler existed and this handler replaced it (i.e. their URI and method regular expression were identical)
See Also:
registerHandler(String, String, SyncRequestHandler, MethodCallUnmarshallerAid)


public RequestHandler registerHandler(java.lang.String uriPath,
                                      java.lang.String method,
                                      AsynchronousRequestHandler handler,
                                      MethodCallUnmarshallerAid aid)
Register an asynchronous XML-RPC method call handler.

uriPath - URIs for which this handler is responsible. null indicates all URIs.
method - A regular expression (see Pattern) to match method names on. Matching is performed as for the Matcher.find() method.
handler - The handler to call back when a request is received matching the indicated URI and method name pattern.
aid - A mapper to be used during the unmarshalling of parameters of incoming method calls. May be null.
If a previously registered request handler existed and this handler replaced it (i.e. their URI and method regular expression were identical)
See Also:
registerHandler(String, String, SyncRequestHandler, MethodCallUnmarshallerAid)


public RequestHandler registerHandler(java.lang.String uriPath,
                                      java.lang.String method,
                                      SyncRequestHandler handler)
Deprecated. Use registerHandler(String, String, SynchronousRequestHandler) instead.

Register a synchronous XML-RPC method call handler.

uriPath - URIs for which this handler is responsible. null indicates all URIs.
method - A regular expression (see Pattern) to match method names on. Matching is performed as for the Matcher.find() method.
handler - The handler to call back when a request is received matching the indicated URI and method name pattern.
If a previously registered request handler existed and this handler replaced it (i.e. their URI and method regular expression were identical)
See Also:
registerHandler(String, String, SyncRequestHandler, MethodCallUnmarshallerAid)


public RequestHandler registerHandler(java.lang.String uriPath,
                                      java.lang.String method,
                                      SynchronousRequestHandler handler)
Register a synchronous XML-RPC method call handler.

uriPath - URIs for which this handler is responsible. null indicates all URIs.
method - A regular expression (see Pattern) to match method names on. Matching is performed as for the Matcher.find() method.
handler - The handler to call back when a request is received matching the indicated URI and method name pattern.
If a previously registered request handler existed and this handler replaced it (i.e. their URI and method regular expression were identical)
See Also:
registerHandler(String, String, SyncRequestHandler, MethodCallUnmarshallerAid)


public RequestHandler registerHandler(java.lang.String uriPath,
                                      java.lang.String method,
                                      SyncRequestHandler handler,
                                      MethodCallUnmarshallerAid aid)
Deprecated. Use registerHandler(String, String, SynchronousRequestHandler, MethodCallUnmarshallerAid) instead.

Register a synchronous XML-RPC method call handler.

Handlers are indexed first using the normalized URI and then using the method name regular expression.

When a request is available the handler for the request is chosen by looking up the list of handlers registered under the associated URI (after normalization). This list is then scanned until a regular expression matches the given method name. If no match is found this is repeated using a null URI (i.e. a more specific URI match takes precedence).

If no handler is found an HTTP "404 Not Found" response is sent to the client.

uriPath - URIs for which this handler is responsible. null indicates all URIs.
method - A regular expression (see Pattern) to match method names on. Matching is performed as for the Matcher.find() method.
handler - The handler to call back when a request is received matching the indicated URI and method name pattern.
aid - A mapper to be used during the unmarshalling of parameters of incoming method calls. May be null.
If a previously registered request handler existed and this handler replaced it (i.e. their URI and method regular expression were identical)


public RequestHandler registerHandler(java.lang.String uriPath,
                                      java.lang.String method,
                                      SynchronousRequestHandler handler,
                                      MethodCallUnmarshallerAid aid)
Register a synchronous XML-RPC method call handler.

Handlers are indexed first using the normalized URI and then using the method name regular expression.

When a request is available the handler for the request is chosen by looking up the list of handlers registered under the associated URI (after normalization). This list is then scanned until a regular expression matches the given method name. If no match is found this is repeated using a null URI (i.e. a more specific URI match takes precedence).

If no handler is found an HTTP "404 Not Found" response is sent to the client.

uriPath - URIs for which this handler is responsible. null indicates all URIs.
method - A regular expression (see Pattern) to match method names on. Matching is performed as for the Matcher.find() method.
handler - The handler to call back when a request is received matching the indicated URI and method name pattern.
aid - A mapper to be used during the unmarshalling of parameters of incoming method calls. May be null.
If a previously registered request handler existed and this handler replaced it (i.e. their URI and method regular expression were identical)


protected RpcCallContext newRpcCallContext( socket,
                                           HttpRequestBuffer req)


protected HttpResponse toHttpResponse(HttpMessageBuffer origMsg,
                                      RpcResponse methodRsp,
                                      Encoding encoding)
Constructs a new HttpResponse containing the given XML-RPC method response.

This implementation encodes the response using UTF-8, sets the status code to 200, and sets Content-Type header to text/xml as required. No other headers are set.

methodRsp - The XML-RPC method response to be returned in the HTTP response.
encoding - An Encoding describing the encoding to use when constructing this message. This also informs the Content-Encoding header value. May be null.
A new HttpResponse with the marshalled XML-RPC response as its content.
Throws: - if an error occurs while marshalling the XML-RPC response.


protected Encoding selectResponseEncoding(HttpRequestBuffer request)


protected ResourcePool newWorkerPool()
Description copied from class: HttpRpcProcessor
Factory method for new worker pools.

This is invoked from the constructor to create a new worker pool when one is not provided.

Specified by:
newWorkerPool in class HttpRpcProcessor
A new ResourcePool.


protected void handleSelectionKeyOperation(java.nio.channels.SelectionKey key)
This implementation defers to the accept(SelectionKey) method if a connection is pending. In all other cases it defers to it's parent.

handleSelectionKeyOperation in class HttpRpcProcessor
key - The SelectionKey for the socket on which an I/O operation is pending.
Throws: - if an error occurs while processing the pending event.


protected void read(java.nio.channels.SelectionKey key)
Description copied from class: HttpRpcProcessor
Reads any pending data from the socket indicated by the given SelectionKey.

This implementation retrieves an HttpMessageBuffer instance for the indicated socket using the HttpRpcProcessor.getReadBuffer(Socket) method. Data present on the socket is added to this buffer and if a complete HTTP message has been received it is enqueued on the shared queue.

read in class HttpRpcProcessor
key - The SelectionKey indicating the socket available for writing.
Throws: - If an error occurs while attempting to read from the indicated socket.


protected void write(java.nio.channels.SelectionKey key)
Description copied from class: HttpRpcProcessor
Writes any pending data to the socket indicated by the given SelectionKey.

This implementation checks for data using the HttpRpcProcessor.getWriteBuffer(Socket) method. If data is available as much as possible is written to the socket.

write in class HttpRpcProcessor
key - The SelectionKey indicating the socket available for writing.
Throws: - If an error occurs while attempting to write to the indicated socket.


protected void deregisterSocket( socket)
deregisterSocket in class HttpRpcProcessor


protected void deregisterResponseCoordinator(com.flat502.rox.server.ResponseCoordinator coordinator)


protected void accept(java.nio.channels.SelectionKey key)
Called when a new connection is pending on the underlying ServerSocketChannel.

key - The SelectionKey for the socket on which a connection is pending.
Throws: - if an error occurs while accepting the new connection.


protected void handleMessageException(HttpMessageBuffer msg,
                                      java.lang.Exception e)
Converts an exception raised while processing an HTTP request into a suitable HTTP response.

The response is marshalled and queued for writing on the socket associated with the original request.

Specified by:
handleMessageException in class HttpRpcProcessor
msg - The HTTP request being processed when the exception occurred.
e - The exception that was raised.
Throws: - if an error occurs marshalling or writing the response.


protected void handleProcessingException( socket,
                                         java.lang.Exception e)
Description copied from class: HttpRpcProcessor
An error handler invoked when an error occurs within the main processing loop.

Specified by:
handleProcessingException in class HttpRpcProcessor
socket - The socket the exception is associated with. This may be null if the exception is not specific to a particular socket.
e - The exception that was raised.


protected void handleTimeout( socket,
                             java.lang.Exception cause)
Specified by:
handleTimeout in class HttpRpcProcessor


protected void handleSSLHandshakeFinished( socket,
Specified by:
handleSSLHandshakeFinished in class HttpRpcProcessor


protected void stopImpl()
Specified by:
stopImpl in class HttpRpcProcessor


protected void initSelector(java.nio.channels.Selector selector)
Creates and initializes a ServerSocketChannel for accepting connections on.

initSelector in class HttpRpcProcessor
Throws: - If an error occurs while attempting to create the Selector.


protected initSocketSSLEngine( socket)
initSocketSSLEngine in class HttpRpcProcessor


protected HttpMessageBuffer getReadBuffer( socket)
Description copied from class: HttpRpcProcessor
Called when data is available on a socket.

Implementations must return a buffer, even if this means creating a new instance. The same buffer should be returned for a given socket until the HttpRpcProcessor.removeReadBuffer(Socket) method is invoked, ensuring that message fragmentation is correctly handled.

Specified by:
getReadBuffer in class HttpRpcProcessor
socket - The socket on which data has arrived.
A message buffer for the given socket.


protected void removeReadBuffer( socket)
Description copied from class: HttpRpcProcessor
Called when a complete HTTP message has been identified.

Specified by:
removeReadBuffer in class HttpRpcProcessor
socket - The socket on which a complete message has been received.


protected void removeReadBuffers( socket)
Description copied from class: HttpRpcProcessor
Called when a a socket is deregistered and any buffers associated with it should be released.

Specified by:
removeReadBuffers in class HttpRpcProcessor
socket - The socket on which a complete message has been received.


protected void putWriteBuffer( socket,
                              java.nio.ByteBuffer data)
Description copied from class: HttpRpcProcessor
Called when data is available to be written to a socket.

Specified by:
putWriteBuffer in class HttpRpcProcessor
socket - The socket on which the data should be sent.
data - The data to be written.


protected boolean isWriteQueued( socket)
Description copied from class: HttpRpcProcessor
Called to find out if data is queued to be written to a socket.

Specified by:
isWriteQueued in class HttpRpcProcessor
socket - The socket on which the data should be sent.
true if there is a buffer waiting to be written on the given socket


protected java.nio.ByteBuffer getWriteBuffer( socket)
Description copied from class: HttpRpcProcessor
Called when a socket becomes available for writing.

Implementations should return a buffer only if one has been added using HttpRpcProcessor.putWriteBuffer(Socket, ByteBuffer). The same buffer should be returned for a given socket until the HttpRpcProcessor.removeWriteBuffer(Socket) method is invoked, ensuring that large messages that must be written in multiple fragments are correctly handled.

Specified by:
getWriteBuffer in class HttpRpcProcessor
socket - The socket that is available for writing.
A data buffer for the given socket.


protected void removeWriteBuffer( socket)
Description copied from class: HttpRpcProcessor
Called when a all of the data in a pending write buffer has been written to a socket.

Specified by:
removeWriteBuffer in class HttpRpcProcessor
socket - The socket the buffer was associated with.


protected void removeWriteBuffers( socket)
Description copied from class: HttpRpcProcessor
Called when a a socket is deregistered and any buffers associated with it should be released.

Specified by:
removeWriteBuffers in class HttpRpcProcessor
socket - The socket the buffer was associated with.


protected HttpResponse newHttpResponse(HttpMessageBuffer msg,
                                       HttpResponseException e)


protected HttpResponse newHttpResponse(HttpMessageBuffer origMsg,
                                       int statusCode,
                                       java.lang.String reasonPhrase,
                                       Encoding encoding)


protected java.lang.String getServerName()