Uses of Interface

Packages that use XmlPrinter
com.flat502.rox.marshal.xmlrpc Provides classes for marshalling and unmarshalling XML-RPC messages. 
com.flat502.rox.utils A collection of utility classes supporting the underlying implementation. 

Uses of XmlPrinter in com.flat502.rox.marshal.xmlrpc

Methods in com.flat502.rox.marshal.xmlrpc that return XmlPrinter
protected  XmlPrinter XmlRpcMarshaller.newXmlWriter( out, java.nio.charset.Charset charSet)
          A factory method invoked to create a new instance of XmlPrinter.

Methods in com.flat502.rox.marshal.xmlrpc with parameters of type XmlPrinter
protected  void XmlRpcMethodResponse.marshalImpl(XmlPrinter out)
protected  void XmlRpcMethodFault.marshalImpl(XmlPrinter out)
protected  void XmlRpcMethodCall.marshalImpl(XmlPrinter out)
protected abstract  void XmlRpcMethod.marshalImpl(XmlPrinter out)
          The central hook for marshalling for sub-classes.
protected  void XmlRpcMarshaller.marshalList(XmlPrinter out, int depth, java.util.List list)
protected  void XmlRpcMarshaller.marshalMap(XmlPrinter out, int depth, java.util.Map param)
protected  void XmlRpcMarshallerJ5.marshalObject(XmlPrinter out, int depth, java.lang.Object param)
protected  void XmlRpcMarshaller.marshalObject(XmlPrinter out, int depth, java.lang.Object param)
          Marshals an Object that is not one of the standard types in the mapping table discussed in the description of this class.
protected  void XmlRpcMarshaller.marshalValue(XmlPrinter out, java.lang.Boolean val)
protected  void XmlRpcMarshaller.marshalValue(XmlPrinter out, byte[] val)
protected  void XmlRpcMarshaller.marshalValue(XmlPrinter out, java.lang.Character val)
protected  void XmlRpcMarshaller.marshalValue(XmlPrinter out, java.util.Date val)
protected  void XmlRpcMethod.marshalValue(XmlPrinter out, int depth, java.lang.Object param)
protected  void XmlRpcMarshaller.marshalValue(XmlPrinter out, int depth, java.lang.Object param)
protected  void XmlRpcMarshaller.marshalValue(XmlPrinter out, java.lang.Number val)
protected  void XmlRpcMarshaller.marshalValue(XmlPrinter out, java.lang.String val)

Uses of XmlPrinter in com.flat502.rox.utils

Classes in com.flat502.rox.utils that implement XmlPrinter
 class XmlPlainPrinter
          An implementation of XmlPrinter that produces compact XML.
 class XmlPrettyPrinter
          An implementation of XmlPrinter that produces XML formatted for readability.