Uses of Class

Packages that use HttpBufferException
com.flat502.rox.http Utility classes for packing and unpacking HTTP messages. 
com.flat502.rox.server Server-side API and supporting classes. 

Uses of HttpBufferException in com.flat502.rox.http

Subclasses of HttpBufferException in com.flat502.rox.http
 class ExcessiveContentException
          Raised when the length of the content received exceeds the length indicated by the Content-Length header.
 class InvalidHeaderException
          Indicates an HTTP header value is invalid.
 class MethodNotAllowedException
          Indicates an HTTP method is not supported.
 class MissingHeaderException
          Indicates a missing HTTP header.
 class UnsupportedHeaderException
          Indicates an HTTP header was received that is not supported.

Methods in com.flat502.rox.http that throw HttpBufferException
protected  void HttpResponseBuffer.validateHeaders()
protected  void HttpRequestBuffer.validateHeaders()
protected  void HttpMessageBuffer.validateHeaders()

Uses of HttpBufferException in com.flat502.rox.server

Methods in com.flat502.rox.server that throw HttpBufferException
protected  void XmlRpcRequestUnmarshaller.validateRequest(HttpRequestBuffer httpReq)
          Validate an XML-RPC HTTP request.
protected  void CgiRequestUnmarshaller.validateRequest(HttpRequestBuffer httpReq)
          Validate an XML-RPC HTTP request.