Interface ExtendedMethodCallUnmarshaller

All Superinterfaces:
MethodCallUnmarshaller, MethodUnmarshaller
All Known Implementing Classes:
DomMethodCallUnmarshaller, SaxMethodCallUnmarshaller

public interface ExtendedMethodCallUnmarshaller
extends MethodCallUnmarshaller

Extends the MethodCallUnmarshaller interface with overloaded methods that default some parameters.

Method Summary
 RpcCall unmarshal( in)
          Unmarshal an RpcCall instance from an InputStream.
 RpcCall unmarshal( in, java.lang.Class[] structClasses)
          Unmarshal an RpcCall instance from an InputStream.
 RpcCall unmarshal( in)
          Unmarshal an RpcCall instance from a Reader.
 RpcCall unmarshal( in, java.lang.Class[] structClasses)
          Unmarshal an RpcCall instance from a Reader.
 RpcCall unmarshal(java.lang.String xml)
          Unmarshal an RpcCall instance from an XML string.
 RpcCall unmarshal(java.lang.String xml, java.lang.Class[] structClasses)
          Unmarshal an RpcCall instance from an XML string.
Methods inherited from interface com.flat502.rox.marshal.MethodCallUnmarshaller
unmarshal, unmarshal, unmarshal
Methods inherited from interface com.flat502.rox.marshal.MethodUnmarshaller

Method Detail


RpcCall unmarshal( in)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Unmarshal an RpcCall instance from an InputStream.

Implementations are responsible for determining the stream's character encoding (where applicable).

in - The InputStream from which to unmarshal a new RpcCall instance.
A new instance of this class representing the XML structure in the given document.
java.lang.Exception - Implementations are free to throw exceptions.


RpcCall unmarshal( in,
                  java.lang.Class[] structClasses)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Unmarshal an RpcCall instance from an InputStream.

Implementations are responsible for determining the stream's character encoding (where applicable).

in - The InputStream from which to unmarshal a new RpcCall instance.
structClasses - A list of classes to unmarshal parameters into if said parameters are structs. May be null, in which case Map instances will be used in all cases. Parameters are indexed into this array based on their position. If this index exceeds the length of this array, or if the indexed element is null a Map instance will be used.
A new instance of this class representing the XML structure in the given document.
java.lang.Exception - Implementations are free to throw exceptions.


RpcCall unmarshal( in)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Unmarshal an RpcCall instance from a Reader.

in - The Reader from which to unmarshal a new RpcCall instance.
A new instance of this class representing the XML structure in the given document.
java.lang.Exception - Implementations are free to throw exceptions.


RpcCall unmarshal( in,
                  java.lang.Class[] structClasses)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Unmarshal an RpcCall instance from a Reader.

in - The Reader from which to unmarshal a new RpcCall instance.
structClasses - A list of classes to unmarshal parameters into if said parameters are structs. May be null, in which case Map instances will be used in all cases. Parameters are indexed into this array based on their position. If this index exceeds the length of this array, or if the indexed element is null a Map instance will be used.
A new instance of this class representing the XML structure in the given document.
java.lang.Exception - Implementations are free to throw exceptions.


RpcCall unmarshal(java.lang.String xml)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Unmarshal an RpcCall instance from an XML string.

xml - The XML string from which to unmarshal a new RpcCall instance.
A new instance of this class representing the XML structure in the given document.
java.lang.Exception - Implementations are free to throw exceptions.


RpcCall unmarshal(java.lang.String xml,
                  java.lang.Class[] structClasses)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Unmarshal an RpcCall instance from an XML string.

xml - The XML string from which to unmarshal a new RpcCall instance.
structClasses - A list of classes to unmarshal parameters into if said parameters are structs. May be null, in which case Map instances will be used in all cases. Parameters are indexed into this array based on their position. If this index exceeds the length of this array, or if the indexed element is null a Map instance will be used.
A new instance of this class representing the XML structure in the given document.
java.lang.Exception - Implementations are free to throw exceptions.