Interface MethodUnmarshaller

All Known Subinterfaces:
ExtendedMethodCallUnmarshaller, ExtendedMethodResponseUnmarshaller, MethodCallUnmarshaller, MethodResponseUnmarshaller
All Known Implementing Classes:
DomMethodCallUnmarshaller, DomMethodResponseUnmarshaller, DomUnmarshaller, SaxMethodCallUnmarshaller, SaxMethodResponseUnmarshaller, SaxUnmarshaller, XmlRpcMethodUnmarshaller

public interface MethodUnmarshaller

Encapsulates methods common to all unmarshallers and provides type-safety.

Method Summary
 FieldNameCodec getDefaultFieldNameCodec()
          This method is invoked when no specific FieldNameCodec exists.

Method Detail


FieldNameCodec getDefaultFieldNameCodec()
This method is invoked when no specific FieldNameCodec exists.

For client implementations this typically means no codec has been set on the client.

For server implementations this typically means UnmarshallerAid.getFieldNameCodec(String) has returned null.

the default codec associated with this unmarshaller.