Class MethodResponseUnmarshallerAid

  extended by com.flat502.rox.marshal.UnmarshallerAid
      extended by com.flat502.rox.marshal.MethodResponseUnmarshallerAid

public abstract class MethodResponseUnmarshallerAid
extends UnmarshallerAid

An assistive interface intended to support unmarshalling.

Implementations provide additional customizations for the unmarshalling process based on an RPC method name.

See Also:
HttpRpcClient.execute(String, Object[], MethodResponseUnmarshallerAid), HttpRpcClient.execute(String, Object[], MethodResponseUnmarshallerAid, ResponseHandler)

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
abstract  java.lang.Class getReturnType()
          An implementation should return a Class instance representing the type a complex parameter value (a struct or an array) at the given index should be unmarshalled as.
Methods inherited from class com.flat502.rox.marshal.UnmarshallerAid
getFieldNameCodec, ignoreMissingFields
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public MethodResponseUnmarshallerAid()
Method Detail


public abstract java.lang.Class getReturnType()
An implementation should return a Class instance representing the type a complex parameter value (a struct or an array) at the given index should be unmarshalled as.

A null return value will result in the parameter value being unmarshalled into a Map instance if, and only if, the parameter value is an XML-RPC struct and a List instance if, and only if, the value is an XML-RPC array.

The returned Class must be accessible, instantiable, and have an accessible default constructor.

The Class for the type the return value should be unmarshalled as, assuming it is a struct or an array.