Uses of Class

Packages that use UnmarshallerAid
com.flat502.rox.demo Examples illustrating using this project. 
com.flat502.rox.marshal Provides generic classes for marshalling and unmarshalling RPC messages. 
com.flat502.rox.marshal.xmlrpc Provides classes for marshalling and unmarshalling XML-RPC messages. 
com.flat502.rox.server Server-side API and supporting classes. 

Uses of UnmarshallerAid in com.flat502.rox.demo

Subclasses of UnmarshallerAid in com.flat502.rox.demo
 class RMIAsyncServerDemo
          A demo server illustrating the ProxyingRequestHandler class.

Uses of UnmarshallerAid in com.flat502.rox.marshal

Subclasses of UnmarshallerAid in com.flat502.rox.marshal
 class ArrayParameterTypeMapper
          An implementation of MethodCallUnmarshallerAid that maps a parameter index into a given array of Class instances.
 class MethodCallUnmarshallerAid
          An assistive interface intended to support unmarshalling.
 class MethodResponseUnmarshallerAid
          An assistive interface intended to support unmarshalling.

Uses of UnmarshallerAid in com.flat502.rox.marshal.xmlrpc

Methods in com.flat502.rox.marshal.xmlrpc with parameters of type UnmarshallerAid
protected  java.lang.Object DomUnmarshaller.parseArrayData(XmlNode data, java.lang.Class structClass, UnmarshallerAid aid)
protected  java.lang.Object DomUnmarshaller.parseParam(XmlNode node, java.lang.Class structClass, UnmarshallerAid aid)
protected  java.lang.Object DomUnmarshaller.parseStruct(XmlNode struct, java.lang.Object structObject, UnmarshallerAid aid)
protected  java.lang.Object DomUnmarshaller.parseStruct(XmlNode struct, UnmarshallerAid aid)
protected  java.lang.Object DomUnmarshaller.parseValue(XmlNode value, java.lang.Class structClass, UnmarshallerAid aid)
          Called to parse an XML-RPC <value> tag.
protected  java.lang.Object DomUnmarshaller.parseValue(XmlNode value, UnmarshallerAid aid)
protected  void XmlRpcMethodUnmarshaller.setObjectMember(java.lang.Object structObject, java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value, UnmarshallerAid aid)
          Called when unmarshalling an XML-RPC struct as an instance of something other than Map.

Uses of UnmarshallerAid in com.flat502.rox.server

Subclasses of UnmarshallerAid in com.flat502.rox.server
 class ProxyingRequestHandler
          A SynchronousRequestHandler implementation that maps RPC method calls onto methods on an arbitrary object using reflection.
 class RpcMethodProxy
          This class dynamically proxies a plain old Java object (POJO) by mapping RPC method calls onto methods onto a target object using reflection.
 class XmlRpcMethodProxy
          This is a specialization of RpcMethodProxy that creates objects that cater for XML-RPC.
 class XmlRpcProxyingRequestHandler
          A ProxyingRequestHandler implementation specialized for XML-RPC.